Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Just two weeks of Growth and...!

Here's the Golden Hops on April 17, in her new 2007 Spring colours, looking 'sharp' ..!

This is the normal colour, so I wonder if it takes warm temperature as well to make it go green again, as it did last July; not just my using Advanced Nutrients and fulvic acid twice a week..?

I started to read about plants and silicates, and was considering adding this stuff to my feeding regimen:
It's liquid potassium silicate, and you just need to use a few drops per litre every time you fertigate the soil.
This hops plant is covered in glassy-sharp cystolith hairs that are perfect for gripping things when climbing, and act like razors to insects ! These sharp hairs are made of silicates and carbonates. Some types of plants are called "silica accumulators" since when they are fed SiO2 like in Advanced Nutrients' Barricade, they pack-on up to 10% more dry weight, all in silicates !
I was going to pre-treat all my soil beds with a generous spray of Barricade, before planting, thinking that if I just packed some into the soil, it would last a while before needing to supplement the roots again with SiO2. Advanced Nutrients does not recommend foliar feeding with SiO2.


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